Thursday, July 29, 2010


Good Lord in Heaven.  My good friend, Julie, awarded me some sort of blogging prize.  Yeah, I know, it's not really a prize if you're friend gives it to you, and it doesn't come with, well, any sort of a prize.  

Examples of others who were granted the same such prize by Julie include:
A friend who moved to Africa and is curing blindness;
Another woman besides Julie who has had three babies all at once, hasn't killed herself, her husband, or her kids;
A very sweet family that has a child with special needs; and
A blog offering parenting advice.

One of these things is not like the others,
One of these things just doesn't belong,
Can you tell which thing is not like the others
By the time I finish my song?

The prize also comes with conditions, further rendering it even less of a prize and bringing it much more in line with that of a curse.  Apparently, if I don't nominate others for the prize, post some logo on my website, and give Julie a high-five, 1,000 puppies will die and the Resurrection won't happen. 

You have Julie to thank for an everlasting lifetime of Purgatory and the death of 1,000 puppies.  Here's her blog so that you may thank her appropriately, as you know that I'm way too lazy and self absorbed to follow any of those directions.  

1 comment:

  1. Yes! That's exactly why you got the award. To make me laugh really hard. It worked!
