Friday, November 5, 2010

Dressing your Dogs up for Halloween: the Gateway Drug to Toddlers and Tiaras?

Whiskey donned a show-stopping banana split costume for All Hallow's Eve.  Contrary to what some of you may think, she is not channeling her German roots by donning a Klansman's hat.  I originally thought her head piece was a soft-serve ice cream swirl; however, I later came to the conclusion that it's a banana, hence the "banana split" label on the costume.

Abby later sported the same costume, because Bart won't let me buy costumes for her or dress her up. 

She is a huntin' dog, not a Barbie (said with an over exaggerated southern accent and a dip in mouth).

Am I (by I, I mean my kids) doomed?  Are they destined , at the ripe ole' age of 4, to look like Dolly Parton's character in Best Little Whore House in Texas?  Am I going to insist they wear a flipper at all times and spray tan abs on them?  Am I going to ruin their childhood, causing them to hate me forever?  Come to think of it, I'm sure that will happen regardless.

P.S. What is it about dog costumes that immediately renders them immobile?  Forget mace.  If a pit bull is chasing you, your best bet is to have a cute, matching dog sweater and hat handy. 

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