Monday, January 4, 2010

Risky Biznass

I love New Year's Eve.  I always make resolutions, and I don't care whether I keep them or not.  Here's a trip down memory lane: Learn Spanish--sorry, no habla Espan-yole.  Drink more wine--mission accomplished.  Drink less wine--mission aborted. 

The wine-drinking part seems to be a reoccurring theme in my life.  Last year I gave up wine for Lent.  I replaced it with vodka.  And cognac.  And rum.  Not smart.  I learned my lesson though.  I will NEVER give up wine again.

Besides, someone out there is a liar.  Did you know that Lent is actually longer than 40 days?  It was 47 loooonnnng days in 2009.  No, the vodka gimlets didn't go to my head; If you don't believe me, just count the days between Ash Wednesday and Easter Sunday last year.  

I did however quit smoking 2,923 days ago today.  For someone that used to smoke on the way to the gym, that's a pretty amazing feat.

My resolution this year is to take more risks.  I don't mean the sky diving, recreational drug-using kind of risks, but the kind of risks one must take in order to pursue happiness.  It's ok if some of you just threw up in your mouths--you can continue being cynical.  I'm going to take risks from not being afraid to ask a stupid question (no matter what that teacher told you, there are in fact stupid questions), to not being scared to take forward steps to do what I think will make me truly happy.  Even if that, gasp, means being a little poorer. 

Yes, this is coming from the girl who thinks shoes less than $300 are a bargain.  $300 shoes= $150 per foot, divided by the number of times you wear them.  This same concept can be applied to anything--diamond earrings at $10,000 per pair= $5,000 per ear divided by the number of times you wear them.  Since I wear them every day, they are practically free.

For all 10 of you out there reading this blog, join me in this resolution!  Let's be the 10 that look back in 30 years without regret.  Lift that glass of wine...Cheers!


  1. Holy Crap you are cracking me up!!

  2. word to that
    2010 the year of risk taking. i'm witcha

    i have never heard your math arguement on justifying buying $10,000 earrings..but you almost have me convinced. your law degree which taught you to so cleverly twist information has definately paid off.

  3. I'm with you, glass of wine in hand. I've never been so foolish as to give that up. Except when with child... Anyway, cheers!!!
